Welcome to my blog on education. I am an aspiring teacher still in the process of learning a lot. Here is a collection of some of my thoughts as well as information I have found and used for some of my classes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Multiple Intelegences

I took a test at this link to find out what intelligence I display. I thought it was really interesting so I wanted to post it on my blog.


In my test I came out very close in a lot of different answers. My highest score was Interpersonal, followed closely by intrapersonal and visual/spatial. The visual score I was expecting to receive. I learn much better when I can see a picture or think about it in my head. I like to lay things out in front of me so I can visually see them and arrange them. I love to do crafts and to scrapbook. It is a way for me to create something with my hands. I also think that I do have tendencies towards intra and interpersonal relations. These are areas that I would never have really thought about as intelligences let alone intelligences that I possess. I think that I got my sense of awareness for both myself and others from my mother. She is a counselor and was always very keen on making sure that my sister and I knew who we were and where we stood and to make sure that we would not let others sway us. I grew up probably being the bossy kid because of this but in recent years it has taken a different turn. Because I know who I am as a person I am then able to step back and look at others and see where they are coming from and try to understand their emotions and thoughts. This is really a gift. It is an intelligence. It is not something that everyone has. I probably would have thought everyone has the same intelligences as I, up until recently.

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